Some people may look for different things from a chair so it is up to your own judgment. I cannot have all the answers and for that, I apologize. I can, however, speak about why I think that they are worth it.
First of all, I have previously stated what they do for your posture and poor sitting habits. However, their quality goes so much further than that. They are comfortable too, which does not always go hand in hand with ergonomic chairs. They can simply elevate your gaming experience from a hobby your back can only withstand 2 hours, to a comfortable and fitting experience that will feel just as cozy after 5 hours as it did for the first 5 minutes.
Before I got a HOBOT gaming chair, I was using a horrible folding chair that made my back scream at me every time I even dared to look at the chair. Since replacing that wretched thing, my day-to-day life has improved. Ask yourself this, “how much time sitting down do I spend?” the answer is harrowing. If you spend that much time sitting on a shoddy uncomfortable chair every day, just think about what it does to your body. After swapping chairs, my back feels a lot more relaxed and less pained than it was before I had such a chair.